Wednesday 29 August 2012

Beachy Head Marathon Competition Winners

Back in July we offered the exclusive opportunity to win some of the last few places to Beachy Head Marathon - one of the biggest off-road marathons in the UK.

For a chance to win entrants had to simply write their 'first day training' blog entry in no more than 250 words.

I am pleased to announce that we have selected our lucky winners - Michael Plummer, Richard Devine, Allen Grant and Allan Lambert who will be taking part in the 26 mile cross country course on 27 October.

Here's our first blog entry from competition winner, Michael Plummer:

First Day Training

Today it starts, new event, new countdown, but for a change an autumn event. This is going to be different though, off road running, out of the comfort zone, unlike the seafront courses I have been used to. But like all other half’s or full’s training they start the same way, first few runs will let me flush out all the niggles and see what possible injuries might come back. Hoping I can stick to the routine, build up the miles gradually, vary the routes and make sure to keep the right hydration. it will be great to complete a 26 this year after missing out on Brighton, my biggest concern is thinking about the varied inclines so will need to put in a lot more hill training. Ok so am not ready to go barefoot for that distance yet but will need to mix some of those runs to strengthen the ankles. I have the new app that will hopefully track my pace better, to see any gradual changes, let hope it works. New trail shoes do feel lighter than the old ones, must make sure there is enough room for toe movement; I am fed up with loosing nails after each marathon. So much to consider and include over the next 12 weeks but am excited, being part of a famous event. God almost forgot the most important part of training, need to create some new playlist, well no turning back now.

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